UK Kennel Club Revised Breed Standard – April 1st 2018
General Appearance
Polar spitz dog with thick neck and broad chest. Well boned legs of medium length. Majestic and powerful physique that is built for hard work, not speed.
Sled dog capable of surviving the harshest of environments and pulling loads over long distances day after day in a freighting or draught team. Will hunt if given the opportunity.
Reflects tough, hard working function. When mature, affectionate, enjoying attention. Pack orientated with extremely rapid response to outside stimulus.
Head and Skull
Large, well proportioned, broad and wedge shaped. Tapered muzzle of medium length. Females have much narrower skull than males.
Never round or bulging. Widely spaced, obliquely set. Generally dark but hazel and yellow occur, depending on pigmentation. Never blue.
Short thick and triangular with slightly rounded tips. Carried erect, facing forwards, covered with dense short hair inside and out.
Powerful jaws with large teeth. Perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to jaw. Lips close fitting.
Short, straight, thick and very muscular.
Broad shoulders, well laid back. Well muscled. Forelegs straight but well developed. Dew claws permitted.
Should accentuate overall power and endurance. Deep, wide well-developed chest, moderately sprung ribs and well developed loin. Level back, well-muscled throughout. Only slight tuck up. Skin thick and tough.
Powerful with well-muscled thighs and a good turn of stifle. The rear pastern is vertical and strong. When viewed from the rear the legs are straight; hocks turning neither in nor out.
Large, almost round, well arched. Thick pads with hair between the toes.
Large, bushy, set moderately high. When moving the tail is normally carried up or over the back, but when standing can hang down.
Powerful, brisk trot with rear legs moving in line with front legs. Those with heavily muscled thighs may appear to move wide behind.
Thick, dense undercoat with hard stiff guard hairs. Outer coat 8-15 cms (3-6 ins). In males, a mane over shoulders and neck giving appearance of greater height and bulk than actually exists. Females have shorter coat overall.
All colours and markings are acceptable including solid colours and uneven mantling. No colour or marking pattern should be considered more preferable than another. Pigmentation from black to light brown. A snow nose acceptable.
Height: Dogs 58-70 cms (23-27½ ins), bitches 50-60 cms (19½-23½ ins).
Dogs 30-40 kgs (66-88lbs), bitches 18-30 kgs (40-66 lbs).
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Click here to download the Canadian Kennel Club Breed Standard