Judges Criteria & Judges List

Judging Criteria

B List (Breed Specialist)

•To have 5 years experience owning and exhibiting in this breed and have the support of The Canadian Eskimo Dog Club of Great Britain.

•To have judged 3 classes of the breed at Open Shows or Championship Shows without CC’s

•To have judged 10 dogs of this breed.

•To have attended at least 1 breed seminar and passed a KC assessment

B List (Non Specialist)

•To have 5 years judging experience in any one breed and have the support of The Canadian Eskimo Dog Club of Great Britain.

•To have judged 3 classes of the breed at Open Shows or Championship Shows without CC’s (Save in exceptional circumstances)

•To have judged 10 dogs of this breed.

•To have attended at least 1 breed seminar and passed a KC assessment

C List (Breed Specialist)

For aspirant judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of The Canadian Eskimo Dog Club of Great Britain

C List (Non Specialist)

For aspirant judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of The Canadian Eskimo Dog Club of Great Britain

Judges List

If you are interested in our breed, please submit a copy of your CV, or fill in our Judges List Application form, which can be found below, to our secretary Cedcgb@outlook.com

Below is our current list of CEDCGB Supported Judges. Secretaries and Show Committee can also obtain a full copy of our Supported Judges List using the above email.