A small group of enthusiasts got together to form a club for the Canadian Eskimo Dog in the UK and The Canadian Eskimo Dog Club of Great Britain was formed in 2008.
The Club is growing and we already organise a yearly Breed Open Show and get involved with organising small working events. The Canadian Eskimo Dog is slowly growing in popularity in the UK and within Europe and Canada although numbers still remain small.
The breed now has several Championship and Open Dog Shows that have breed specific classes for the Canadian Eskimo Dog, the biggest of these being Crufts. There are also several working organisations in the UK where you can work your Canadian Eskimo Dog.
The Club aim to promote the breed and its preservation in the UK, Europe and Worldwide, to encourage people to show and work their CED/CID’s. To give people information, guidance and help with their CED/CID or to educate about the breed. These dogs are a very primitive, high energy dog more suited to people with an outdoor lifestyle or those wishing to work their dogs and should not be considered as a pet.
Full recognition with the FCI has now been achieved in June 2018 thus to make it possible to show in countries governed by the FCI.
Membership is encouraged for everyone interested in this rare breed, even if you do not own a CED/CID. Members will receive a quarterly newsletter, have the committee of the club to approach for a wealth of advice and knowledge and have an active involvement with the Kennel Club including educational events and breed health symposiums.
Please forward any information, pictures, stories or results to either our secretary, newsletter editor or webmaster. (Contact details can be found on the committee member’s page).